The Longwood Reader, 6th Edition

The Longwood Reader, 6th Edition
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  • ISBN-13: 9780321290601
  • ISBN: 0321290607
  • Edition: 6th
  • Publication Date: 2005
  • Publisher: Longman


Edward A. Dornan (Late), Michael Finnegan

1 Customer Product Reviews


* identifies new chapter, section or reading. Thematic Contents. Paired Essays. Preface. 1. The Reading Process. The Writer-Reader Contract. Reading for a Purpose. Reading for Strategy. Reading for Style. Critical Reading Phases. Writing In-Class Responses to Reading. Barbara Ehrenreich, In Defense of Talk Shoes. 2. The Writing Process. Rhetorical Patterns. Writing College Essays. A Student Essay for Study. Lane Williams, Who's Come a Long Way, Consumers? Find a Subject. Use Prewriting Techniques. Sort and Group Information. Craft a Thesis Statement. Draft a Plan with a Reader in Mind. Write Parts of the Essay. Edit and Revise Sentences. Guidelines for Revision. Guidelines for Peer Review. * 3. Writing About Visual Images: Seeing Beneath the Surface. The Method. Strategy. Guidelines for Writing about Visual Images. An Essay About Visual Images. Judy Chan, Studies in Tranquility. Reviewing with a Writer's Eye. Peer Review. Writing Tasks. 4. Documenting an Essay: Investigating Current Issues. The Method. Strategies. Guidelines for Documenting an Essay. Tanya Rose, Orange Coast College 9.18.2002. Reviewing with a Writer's Eye. Peer Review. Brief Documentation Guide. Parenthetical Citations. Works Cited Page. 5. Description: Capturing Sensory Details. The Method. Strategies. Description in College Writing. Guidelines for Writing Description. Clarita Tan, Imaginatively Chaotic Art. Reviewing with a Writer's Eye. Peer Review. Maxine Hong Kingston, Photographs of My Parents. Joanna Greenfield, Hyena. Marcus Laffey, Cop Diary. George Simpson, The War Room at Bellevue. Gretel Ehrlich, Struck by Lightning. Responding to Photographs. Additional Writing Tasks. 6. Narration: Relating Events. The Method. Strategies. Narration in College Writing. Guidelines for Narrative Writing. Richard McKnight, The Last Ride. Reviewing with a Writer's Eye. Peer Review. Rene Denfeld, Lady of the Ring. Jeff Z. Klein, Watching My Back. * May Akabogu-Collins, Coming to Black America. * Ryan Boudinot, The Littlest Hitler. * Gabrielle Hamilton, Killing Dinner. Responding to Photographs. Additional Writing Tasks. 7. Examples: Illustrating Ideas. The Method. Strategies. Narration in College Writing. Guidelines for Writing Examples. Daniela Taylor, We Are Not Alone. Reviewing with a Writer's Eye. Peer Review. Amy Tan, Mother Tongue. Brent Staples, Black Men and Public Places. Caryl Rivers, The Issue Isn't Sex, It's Violence. * David G. Meyers, Do We Fear the Right Things? * John Kifner, Good as a Gun: When Cameras Define a War. Responding to Photographs. Additional Writing Tasks. 8. Comparison and Contrast: Presenting Similarities and Differences. The Method. Strategies. Narration in College Writing. Guidelines for Writing a Comparison-and-Contrast Essay. Jim Cartozian, Two American Writers: Hemingway and Faulkner. Reviewing with a Writer's Eye.

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